Thursday, 3 March 2011

Andy Cunningham: I'm supporting Max Watson NEC because...

I'm supporting Max Watson because higher education is facing the biggest challenge in its existence and only a fighting leadership can defend our jobs and universities.

The Government and Vice-Chancellors are ripping up our education system - making it impossible for working class people to access our Universities. At the same time, they are using the privatisation of the Universities as an excuse to cut our pay, jobs and pensions.

We cannot let them get away with this. Our strength as a union is when we act together - that means campaigning and taking co-ordinated national action. To do that, we need a leadership that knows how to organise, how to lead fights and - most importantly - how to win. Max has led his Branch through difficult times and has been an inspiration for those of us who want to defend our members. That is why I am urging everyone to use your vote in these elections and to choose Max Watson for higher education.

Andy Cunningham
Assistant Branch Secretary
Manchester Metropolitan University UNISON

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