Thursday, 8 March 2012

Proud to be UNISON online

London Met University Branch launched our latest film, called ‘Proud to be London Met UNISON’, at our 10th AGM yesterday.

I was particularly proud to Chair our AGM as we premiered this film, as it was a long time in the making. We talked about the use of new media, social networks, video conferencing and so on a little at Brighton last week.

As this blog passed ten thousand 'visits' last month I've increasingly been thinking about the power of the interwebnet as a means for mass communication. I'm clearly a big fan of using this medium, and just getting into Twitter having been on FB for a while and even 'Union book' (anyone else on there / found it useful?)

I love to be able to communicate so easily with members who I've never met, or likely to meet outside the few hours of conference once a year. The limits are obvious though, and I'll always prefer a real face to face than a Facebook 'Chat'. Someone once told me about a legendary union branch secretary who continued right into the 21st century taking his members subs in cash on pay day each month, so he could 'see the whites of their eyes'!

So our AGM for me was a great example of combining the two: people coming together, eating together, voting, discussing, listening to each other in a safe environment. And watching a film together that will stay on Youtube and be watched by the readers of our branch website, the twitterverse, the blogosphere and so on as well.

So the first 50 'views' and the genuine, heartfelt round of applause for Ivan Orgaz, one of our communications officers, that followed, made me very proud to be London Met UNISON yesterday.

And today I'm proud also that we announced - appropriately enough on Women's Day - the election of Catherine Maguire, one of the stars of the film, as the first female Branch Secretary of London Met UNISON for many years.

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