Friday, 8 July 2011

Support Sheffield University UNISON

Sheffield University UNISON Branch are in the middle of a bitter dispute over their local final salary pension scheme. They've already taken two days strike action.

If we are to win our fight nationally on Pensions, it's important we win this local battle. It will affect all of us in HE UNISON.

For more see UNISON:

BBC news:


How can you help?

1) Email a message of support to:

2) Donate to their fighting fund. Pass a motion of support through your branch and send cheques to:

University of Sheffield UNISON
Unison Office,
2 Hounsfield Road,
S3 7RF

Tel: 0114 2228829

2nd June, 2011

Dear Sue,

Our branch is currently balloting our members for industrial action against compulsory redundancies, so we know what it's like to call on your members to take action and to say: 'Enough is Enough!'

We salute your robust stance your branch has taken, congratulate you on winning a 'yes vote', and we wish you all the best in your defence of your pension scheme.

An attack on your members is an attack on all our members. Your success will be ours too. Unity is Strength!

Please let us know if there is anything else we from our branch - or that I personally on the NEC - can do to help your struggle?

In solidarity,

Max Watson

We also passed a message of support through the Higher Ed Service Group Exec yesterday.

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