Thursday, 10 February 2011

Four more nominations, makes twelve

Four more nominations have been confirmed as received, all of them *new and three more from outside London. Total nominations now twelve:

  1. Birkbeck
  2. Imperial College*
  3. London South Bank University
  4. Middlesex
  5. University of East London (UEL)*
  6. University of Cambridge and Colleges
  7. London Metropolitan University
  8. University of Bedfordshire*
  9. Liverpool John-Moores University*
  10. Manchester Metropolitan University*
  11. Southampton District*
  12. Westminster*
So that's seven new nominations (branches that didn't nominate me in the recent by-election), and five from outside London. So far, so good - thanks folks. Let me know if your branch is still thinking of nominating, it's not too late!

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