Friday, 21 January 2011

Students and workers unite

On Wed 19th, whilst students were out protesting against the abolition of EMA, UNISON's Higher Education Service Group Executive, which is made up of regional Higher Education reps and our two NEC reps, came to the consensus that we should pass the following motion:

"It is proposed that UNSION's national HESGE supports the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts demonstration in London on the 29th January in addition to the TUC demonstration in Manchester."

Whilst this is only a small step forward, it's a good sign, showing that we are actively going to support the students movement even if they don't have the official backing of the TUC or indeed the NUS.

My branch had already passed a motion to build for this demo, and I expect most other London and south branches will want to do the same. As I've argued already, it's crucial that we stand shoulder to shoulder with students as they continue to lead the fight against fees and cuts. So, I'll see you in London on the 29th.

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