Tuesday, 13 July 2010

'Dignity and respect at all times'

From UNISON's rule book and for NEC elections:

Attention is drawn to UNISON Rule, Schedule C, Rule 5 and Rule B 4.6 Aims and Objectives “to seek to ensure that members, activists, representatives and staff are treated with dignity and respect at all times when participating in the union’s democratic structures.”

Anyone commenting on this campaign or this website without following that basic 'do as you would be done by' golden rule, will be removed from my Xmas card list. OK?


  1. Max played a prominent part in turning what seemed a hopeless situation at London Met into a strong protest movement, thereby saving jobs. In doing this, he became an inspiration to all union activists.
    I am confident that, as a member of UNISON's NEC, Max would be equally instrumental in building a strong movement against the threatened attacks on Higher Educaion by the co-alition government.

    I support Max's nomination to the NEC.

    Jenny Compton-Bishop
    Branch Secretary
    Middlesex University UNISON

  2. Unison website trawl throws up the strangest things! if this man is as dedicated as he was 10 years again you won't find a better candidate...
