
Wednesday 15 October 2014

"Max Watson Vs London Met University" update: 23rd October EAT preliminary hearing

As you will remember, we were not successful in our Employment Tribunal claim against London Met University in January which we were taking for trade union victimisation against Max Watson (see here and here for reports). 

However, our lawyers submitted an Appeal against this decision and we can confirm the Employment Appeal Tribunal is meeting next week on 23rd October at 10.30am for a preliminary hearing. UNISON's lawyers will make the case for an appeal then. If this is successful a full Appeal hearing will then be scheduled.

We will of course update you accordingly.   



On behalf of the UNISON Branch Committee

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Cassetteboy - Cameron's Conference Rap

Contains swearing. Seriously though Dave, thanks for legalising parody videos.

Lyrics here